strategic and creative consultancy based in Paris.
series of reflections on challenges related to Internet exhibitions and the modes of existence of online art and institutions.
Jonathank Monk - Logo (Yvon Lambert)
Weathers (Mark Geffriaud, GB Agency) (DISmagazine collab)
All That Matter(s) (w/ IOP, fotomuseum)
Visual Tools for Technological Memory (w/ IOP @palaisinstaresidency)
LeBonBot L'ami des Chatbots
THE WATCH "When Instagram tells you what time it is."
It's Our Playground online exhibitions. But also in real life at CCA, Glasgow or live at 22rueMuller, Paris
Panorama Normandie (w/ IOP)
memes for So foot
A fictional conversation between Daniel Buren & Ian Wilson exhibition, MRAC, FR (june 2018)
Entre monts et merveilles, composition for Artificial Sensibility exhibition, Nothingham, UK (oct. 2017)